Monday, November 12, 2012

A Closer Look

I actually made this render early today, but forgot to post it.  It shows a little more of the room.

Our Living Room

So, by extension, it's also the living room for our avatars, RobbyBobby and John Michael. I'm slowly rebuilding our apartment in DAZ Studio 4.5.  I've done this a few times before (duh), but this time I'm taking my time and trying to get things more to actual scale.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Toon John Michael and Toon RobbyBobby

Just for shits and's the Toon version.  Same pose...same outfits.

John Michael and RobbyBobby

I've changed my avatar (again).  This one is remarkably like a picture of me in my early 20' many centuries ago!  LOL