Sunday, November 17, 2013


A friend asked for a picture of Lobo.  This is what I put together for him yesterday.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Do you believe in Magic?

I've been re-imagining my boys as a superhero team that I created years ago.  I called it Rainbow Squad (duh) and it was originally done with a different cartoon character base.  Anyway, here's the first, RobbyBobby (natch) as Scarab.

And just to show I'm not a complete's Rose Chafer.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

New DAZ Studio 4.6 Toon Shaders

I just upgraded to DAZ Studio 4.6...for free!!  It comes with new subsurface shaders and there is also a toon shader available (which I had to get, of course).  Yesterday I played around with it for a bit and did this scene with Toon RobbyBobby and Toon John Michael.  No body hair with this, though.  LOL

Living Room Extended View

The latest look at my virtual apartment. I'm going to have to redo everything since the hubby decided to paint last week and totally rearranged all of the furniture.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Here's a simple look at my Eric character.  Easily, he's one of my to RobbyBobby, of course.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Look Into My Eyes

Where does the time go?  It's been forever since I've done any renders with DAZ Studio.  I'm sitting here feeling blah (springtime cold), so I figured I'd do a quick one.  So, here's RobbyBobby and John Michael for your entertainment.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

RobbyBobby Wall

It's been awhile since I last posted anything here (or anywhere for that matter).  Since I've never gotten any comments, I don't know if anyone notices or cares...  Anyway, I was hospitalized for a bit...had surgery in January...but I'm recovering well.  We were supposed to fly out yesterday to Fort Lauderdale, but all flights were cancelled because of the "Blizzard of 2013".  We finally got reservations for a flight tomorrow night...if it gets cancelled, I don't know what we will do.  We're supposed to be leaving for an 11 day cruise to the Western Caribbean Monday afternoon.

This is just a simple pic that I threw together to get used to playing with DAZ Studio again.